Habeo illam

Defn.: I hold forth that . . .   /   I have it that . . .

Welcome to my little page of general musings, some reminiscences, raving rants and diffuse ramblings on the subject of – you guessed it! – Food.


Feel free to agree, disagree, criticise or propose your own personal views, feelings, memories or opinions.


Washing Dishes: Time Travel on the Cheap
For The Over-Thinkers Out There

You have to be alone. Fortunately, being lonely is not a requirement, but sometimes it helps. Being alone decouples the mind from its immediate present, allowing “travel” to occur. In short, I suppose it is the ability to let your own mind simply go “limp” (for lack of a better term). Perversely, being alone sometimes definitely does not help. The final destination may become one of those dank places of the soul best avoided while sober.


© RS Young, 2022




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