About Me, 2024

Welcome to my world.


I am Robert Young, aged 55, a veteran bachelor and I reside in the fair city of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. I am also a good cook; irregular food blogger, and amateur photographer. Moreover, I am a qualified pastry chef and a fully trained chemist – if somewhat past my ‘sell by date’. And finally, I am also a lapsed empath and, as a consequence, fairly often manage to think for myself. Sometimes even logically; and frequently excessively so. Also, if all goes well, I’ll be a regular blogger again this year. I still have a few things to say apparently.


The “able to think” part was not always thus. That came about fairly late in my life, mostly through unpleasant and involuntary lessons – usually the result of my own emotional, social and interpersonal stupidity or ignorance. To complicate matters even further, my ancestral Scottish pigheadedness demanded that some lessons had to be repeated several times. C’est la vie.


Since its inception on 15 June 2017, this blog slowly evolved into a non-chronological and semi-autobiographical sort-off legacy project. My blog is an incomplete and generally random record of my journey to inner self awareness as well as emotional and spiritual maturity.


On this journey, food always played a major role. It still does. As I suspect is the case with nearly all foodies and cooking enthusiasts. However, over the decades, the role of food in my life changed. When I was young, I lived to eat. Food was for various reasons a form of emotional self-gratification – an emollient for the spirit, if you will. With young adulthood, food assumed a lesser importance. Peer pressure, societal awareness and an appreciation of the female of our species saw to that. Eating itself was nevertheless still important. With full adulthood and very slowly developing social experience, the quality; cultural origins and technical complexity of food became important. As did culinary and intellectual snobbery. I descended into inveterate Francophilia. In hindsight, the thirst for culinary knowledge also became a temporary refuge from the incessant roar of the world.


Family Dinner, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth, ca. 1980

Approaching and, later, early middle age; failed relationships (romantic and otherwise) and a plethora of hard lessons brought high appreciation for solitude and simplicity. Food is still important, but now I eat to live. Being an acolyte to solitude gradually brought many advantages. Mercifully, the Francophilia died a natural, peaceful death at last. Now, I try to stand aside from the herd most days.


The brief history above includes some of the reasons why this is not a run of the mill recipe, culinary journalism or product review blog. Rather, it is a blend of memoir and autobiography written from a culinary perspective. In constant development, it is an incomplete record of my life, experiences, personal development, my philosophies, reminiscences and evolving awarenesses, all expressed through recipe and food related posts.


The following pages (and my blog’s various long read style recipe posts) provide more details:`

 * = Under construction sections.

The above history (and related sub-sections) are the reasons why my blog is not monetised with adverts, click baiting, product endorsements and affiliate links. My blog is a labour of love and self-respect. Therefore it will remain unsullied and true to its purpose. This is important to me.


Feel free to peruse and read at your leisure. If you enjoy your visit, learn anything, or take something useful from my blog with you, I’ll be very pleased indeed. Please feel free to share my blog with those who you know will appreciate my content.


Kind regards,


Pastry Chef Training, 2008

© RS Young, 2024

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